G6B/158 -


Title [Instruments - Watches, Clocks, Chronometers] - AMTS [Australian Mechanical Transport Service] - DRM [Director of Repairs and Maintenance] - Watches, wrist (Aircrew type) - Reconditioning, etc - Air Board Agendum [0.25cm], Series number A705, Control symbol 113/3/95, Contents date range 1951 - 1951, Access status Not yet examined, Location National Office, Barcode no 3414912

Summary of Minute Sheet

2nd October 1951: "As a result of conference on Aircrew Wrist Watches (enclosure 5A refers) D.E.A. have allotted ident Number G6B/158 to "Longines" and "Le Coultre" type Wrist Watches previously identified as G6B/159-B and C respectively, also D.E.A. is taking action to re-identify "Omega" Wrist Watches as G6B/159."